Sunday, February 15, 2009

Breaking the water

Alright. So, I've finally felt the desire in my 25 years on this earth to archive my thoughts, feelings and experiences for all to see. Why? Not to get attention, accolades or pity for that matter, but because it's easier to type than to write on paper. Why share it with people? Well, my favorite books to read are memoirs and true stories. Who wouldn't want to read someones personal thoughts, fears, wishes or experiences? Especially when that person is putting it out there.

I'm a woman in a little body with a lot on the brain and a lot to say. I will not censor what I write, nor will I make my life look more or less "glamorous" than it is. I am simply real...writing real. I don't know how to essentially go about this or where to even begin. I do, however, hope to gain something from this. Whether it be peace of mind or a better understanding of myself through writing.

I'm not going to give a whole life's history of myself, if necessary, I will delve into some moments of my life and past but other than that, you can use your imagination because this is solely for me.

I have always been the type of person to write in a journal and hopes someone who doesn't know me will find it and not be able to put it down- which is probably why I am "blogging". Imagine finding someones journal or diary- no idea who they are and just reading about their life? Way more interesting than listening to them because more than likely, it is going to be uninhibited and all about that moment and that time. This is why I love reading memoirs so much. We have ALL been through hell in our lives at one point or another. Everyone has heard a plethora of the same story from many people- but what really makes it so interesting is how it is felt and perceived by them at that time. People are all balls of emotion. Whether we like it or not, we all have some kind of emotional entanglement of some sort or some kind of "baggage"(I hate using that word but it's fitting).

Lately I feel as if I am going through adolescence again. I don't know if it's only me, but just when I thought I was sure of who I was, what I wanted and what I wanted out of life- BAM! The cold breeze just whacks me in the face. It will NEVER be easy- guess that's the beauty of it. I guess my main goal is to absorb from people as much as possible. I just want to shut up while I'm out in this world and be a complete sponge for once instead of doing all of the gabbing. Being Italian, it is hard to shut my mouth- but I'm doing my best!

Well, I guess this is a pretty good start..

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