Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here nor there.

Oddly enough, through these past few weeks I have just realized how "black and white" I am- (figuratively!). My boss once said I was too "black and white" to boot, being stubborn, I shrugged it off of course. Then, Shazam! I realized I have to be either here or there, right or wrong, yes or no, all details or none, know or be unknown. It's not that I can't compromise, believe me, I am absolutely capable of meeting in the middle, but as far as my personal views or sways. Well, this is surprising seeing my political views are moderate- I don't sway. Anyhow! Like, for instance. I LOVE the show Jon and Kate plus 8 and I have been watching it faithfully for awhile now. Bought it on DVD- DVR it- I watch it all the time. Recently I stumbled upon a website called "Gosselins without pity". It's a huge forum where people write somewhat nasty things about the show and the parents of the children on the show. Weird thing is, after reading it for hours, my views started to change. Is it that I didn't notice it before because I was blinded by the cute kids or their cute little excursions that I didn't see all the freebies and advertising that was going on? I always knew Kate was a semi-beyotch. I guess reading different views on the show and what it is potentially doing to the kids was pretty eye-opening. Same thing happened with my like for Rachael Ray. LOVE her show, watched it faithfully for years, them stumbled across a website that totally knocked her and all she does down. I have to admit here- one of the reasons I was so fond of my last boyfriend was because he totally kept me in tune with reality and opened my eyes to what is REAL and what CAN/IS perceived. So now, when I watch the show, I find myself looking for these advertisements, mean moments she has and all this other malarkey and my view is totally skewed...I really don't enjoy it anymore. Blah. Oh well, the kids are still freaking adorable. I guess my point is, that I really need to understand or at least grasp sometimes the reality of situations- granted, I'm talking about television here. Believe me, I grasp the reality quite clearly that celebs are completely painted up and tucked to look perfect....that one I get and I hate that...another whole post! I could go on about what that is doing to women all over- maybe another time. Ah well, it's all entertainment.

I watch Idol too. I love that show. So the funny thing is, besides the fact that I'm a faithful viewer, is that afterwards the local news came on. What's so funny about that? Well, there was a story about a driver's ed. teacher who inappropriately touched a former student or something- ok, not so funny. Here's the kicker, his name was Mr. McFeely! HA! I found it quite funny. I'm mean.

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